

Family Grant Opportunities collected by Autism Speaks

Includes regional and state grant options (e.g., CT and New England). Not all grants are limited to autism. 


Charitable Grants for Individuals with Autism and their Families

Includes national, regional and state grant options.  Not all grants are limited to autism. One option specifically addresses support for prescription drug costs.


ABA/VB Therapy Grant Collection from Thrive

In addition to ABA/VB therapy grants, there are options for other grant support, including assistive technology, pediatric therapy, and equipment.


Autism Grants in the U.S. Page from Autism Support

Includes regional and state grant options (e.g., CT and New England). Not all grants are limited to autism. 


Grant Resources for Families Affected by Autism from the Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation

Funding for community programming, recreational  and social opportunities and adult services, with a focus on New England. 


The Complete List of Free Things and Grants for Kids with Special Needs

Compilation of grants and other supports for special needs families. This list is not specifically focused on New England or Connecticut.


iTaalk Grant and Funding Sources Database

Not limited to autism, this database is searchable by disability or keyword and includes grants covering broad needs, including assistive technology, respite care, pediatric cancer support and service dogs. 


Proposal Writing Short Course

This free, online resource comes from Grantspace, a service of the Foundation Center.